Client API Reference

This section offers an in-depth description of SpeckleClient API calls.

The SpeckleClient class

Speckle Client documentation

The SpeckleClient class is used to manage authentication and dispatch request to a given SpeckleServer.


Instantiate a client to a given server and register/authenticate to it:

from speckle import SpeckleApiClient

client = SpeckleApiClient('')


streams = client.streams.list()

For more detailed documentation on the inidividual resources available go here

class speckle.base.client.ClientBase(host='', version='v1', use_ssl=True, verbose=False)

Base class for http speckle client

This class contains the basic properties required to register, authenticate and hold authentication credentials.

register(email, password, company, name=None, surname=None)

Register a new user to the speckle server

After a user has registered, this function will log them in and save auth token credentials in the client object.

  • {str} -- Email address of the new user, must not exist on the server (email) –
  • {str} -- Pretty self explanatory, must be at least 8 characters long (password) –
  • {str} -- Company the user is registering to speckle under (company) –
Keyword Arguments:
  • {str} -- User name, server will default to 'Anonymous' if None (default (name) – {None})
  • {str} -- User surname, server will default to '' if None (default (surname) – {None})
login(email, password)

Login user to speckle server

After a user has logged in, this function will save auth token credentials in the client object.

  • {str} -- Email address of the new user, must not exist on the server (email) –
  • {str} -- Pretty self explanatory, must be at least 8 characters long. Oh, must also be the user's actual password... (password) –

Login user to the speckle server using an API token

If your server uses an alternate login mechansim (e.g. ActiveDirectory), you can use this function to store your API token in the client.

Parameters:{str} -- your Speckle API token (token) –
websockets(stream_id, client_id=None, header=None, on_open=None, on_message=None, on_error=None, on_close=None, on_ping=None, on_pong=None, on_cont_message=None, get_mask_key=None, subprotocols=None, on_data=None)

Connect to a specific stream on the host server through websockets

This function essentially generates the correct connection url the Speckle Server expects in order to connect to a specific stream. After that all this function does is instantiate a WebScoketApp class from the websocket-client package.


{str} -- The id of a stream (stream_id) –

Keyword Arguments:
  • {str} -- The id of the client to authenticate as (default (client_id) – {None})
  • {dict} -- custom header for websocket handshake (default (header) – {None})
  • {function} -- callable object which is called at opening websocket. (default (on_open) – {None}) This function takes 1 argument: 1. this class object
  • {function} -- callable object which is called when closed the connection (default (on_close) – {None}) This function takes 1 argument: 1. this class object
  • {function} -- callable object which is called when receiving data (default (on_message) – {None}) This function takes 2 arguments: 1. this class object 2. the utf-8 string sent by the server
  • {function} -- callable object which is called when an error is sent by the server (default (on_error) – {None}) This function takes 2 arguments: 1. this class object 2. an exception object
  • {function} -- callable object which is called when the server pings (default (on_pong) – {None}) This function takes 2 arguments: 1. this class object 2. the utf-8 string sent by the server
  • {function} -- callable object which is called when the server pings (default – {None}) This function takes 2 arguments: 1. this class object 2. the utf-8 string sent by the server
  • {function} -- callback object which is called when receive continued frame data. (default (on_cont_message) – {None}) This function takes 2 arguments: 1. this class object 2. the utf-8 string sent by the server 3. is continue flag, if 0 the data continues to the next frame
  • {function} -- callback object which is called when a message received (default (on_data) – {None}) This is called before on_message or on_cont_message, and then on_message or on_cont_message is called. on_data has 4 argument. 1. this class object. 2. the utf-8 string sent by the server 3. data type. ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT or ABNF.OPCODE_BINARY will be same. 4. continue flag. if 0, the data continue
  • {function} -- a callable to produce new mask keys (default (get_mask_key) – {None}) see the WebSocket.set_mask_key’s docstring for more information
  • {list} -- list of available sub protocols (default (subprotocols) – {None})

WebSocketApp – a websocket-client instance


from speckle import SpeckleApiClient

host = ''
stream_id = 'MawOwhxET'

client = SpeckleApiClient(host=host)
client.login('', 'testestestest')

def print_message(ws, message):

ws = client.websockets(stream_id, on_message=print_message)

# Send a message to the stream
ws.send('Hi Speckle!!!')

# Start a listening server that will print what ever message
# is sent to it (due to the print_message function defined above)

Accounts Methods

class speckle.resources.accounts.Resource(session, basepath, me)

API Access class for Accounts

The accounts resource is used to search, retrieve and manipulate user profiles. None of the methods return an instanciated data class, instead they all return dictionary payloads.


Here is an example of what an account object looks like:

    "id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011"
    "name": "Test"
    "surname": "McTestyFace"
    "company": "Acme"
    "avatar": ""
    "role": "user"

Get a specific user from the SpeckleServer

Parameters:{str} -- The ID of the resource to retrieve (id) –
Returns:dict – The user


>>> user_id = '507f1f77bcf86cd799439011'
>>> client.accounts.get(id=user_id)
    "success": True,
    "resource": {
        "id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
        "email": ""
        "name": "Test"
        "surname": "McTestyFace"
        "company": "Acme"
        "avatar": ""
        "role": "user"

Get current logged in user’s profile

Returns:dict – The current user’s profile


>>> from speckle.SpeckleClient import SpeckleApiClient
>>> client = SpeckleApiClient(host='')
>>> client.login(email='', password='somesupersecret')
>>> client.accounts.get_profile()
    "success": True,
    "resource": {
        "id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
        "email": ""
        "name": "Test"
        "surname": "McTestyFace"
        "company": "Acme"
        "avatar": ""
        "role": "user"

Update the current logged in user’s profile

Parameters:{dict} -- A dictionary of profile values to be updated (data) –
Returns:dict – A confirmfation payload of the updated keys


>>> from speckle.SpeckleClient import SpeckleApiClient
>>> client = SpeckleApiClient(host='')
>>> client.login(email='', password='somesupersecret')
>>> client.accounts.get_profile()
    "success": True,
    "resource": {
        "id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
        "email": ""
        "name": "Test"
        "surname": "McTestyFace"
        "company": "Acme"
        "avatar": ""
        "role": "user"
>>> client.accounts.update_profile({'name': 'Tester'})
    "success": True,
    "message": 'User profile updated.'
set_role(id, role)

Set the role of a user


The client must be authenticated with an admin user to carry out this operation.

  • {str} -- The ID of the user to be updated (id) –
  • {str} -- The role to give the user (role) –

dict – A response payload confirming the user role update


>>> from speckle.SpeckleClient import SpeckleApiClient
>>> client = SpeckleApiClient(host='')
>>> client.login(email='', password='somesupersecret')
>>> client.accounts.get_profile()
    "success": True,
    "resource": {
        "id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
        "email": ""
        "name": "Test"
        "surname": "McTestyFace"
        "company": "Acme"
        "avatar": ""
        "role": "admin"
>>> user_to_modify = '9eeb71aa8b2a292512a3bf94091e2df8'
>>> client.accounts.set_role(id=user_to_modify, role='admin')
    "success": True,
    "message": 'User profile updated.'

Search for one or more users

Parameters:{str} -- A search string. Should be at least 3 characters long. (search) –
Returns:list – A list of found users


    "success": True,
    "resources": [{
        "id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
        "email": ""
        "name": "Tom"
        "surname": "Svilans"
        "company": "Acme"
        "avatar": ""
        "role": "admin"
        "id": "397f19073b30eb9f71fc5bas",
        "email": ""
        "name": "Test"
        "surname": "McTestyFace"
        "company": "Tom Associated"
        "avatar": ""
        "role": "user"
        "id": "9bfb9894c21e29014cd0e8166",
        "email": ""
        "name": "Tom"
        "surname": "Tom"
        "company": "Tom"
        "avatar": ""
        "role": "admin"


Projects Methods

class speckle.resources.projects.Project(**data)

Project Data Class

Parameters:{BaseModel} -- The BaseModel for all Speckle objects (ResourceBaseSchema) –
class speckle.resources.projects.Resource(session, basepath, me)

API Access class for Projects


List all projects

Returns:list – A list of project data class instances

Create a project from a data dictionary

Parameters:{dict} -- A dictionary describing a project (data) –
Returns:Project – The instance created on the Speckle Server

Get a specific project from the SpeckleServer

Parameters:{str} -- The ID of the project to retrieve (id) –
Returns:Project – The project
update(id, data)

Update a specific project

  • {str} -- The ID of the project to update (id) –
  • {dict} -- A dict of values to update (data) –

dict – a confirmation payload with the updated keys


Delete a specific project

Parameters:{str} -- The ID of the project to delete (id) –
Returns:dict – A confirmation payload

Retrieve comments attached to a project

Parameters:{str} -- The ID of the project to retrieve comments from (id) –
Returns:list – A list of comments
comment_create(id, data)

Add a comment to a project

  • {str} -- The ID of the project to comment on (id) –
  • {dict} -- A comment dictionary object (data) –

CommentSchema – The comment created by the server

add_stream(id, stream_id)

Add a Stream to a project

  • {str} -- The ID of a project (id) –
  • {str} -- The StreamId of a stream (stream_id) –

dict – A dictionary with the stream and the project

remove_stream(id, stream_id)

Remove a stream from a project

  • {str} -- The ID of a project (id) –
  • {str} -- The StreamId of a stream (stream_id) –

dict – A dictionary with the stream and the project

add_user(id, user_id)

Add a user to a project.


When a user is first added to a project they have read and write authorizations. If you only want to allow them to write be sure to downgrade the user right after adding them.

  • {str} -- The ID of a project (id) –
  • {str} -- The ID of a user (user_id) –

dict – A confirmation payload

remove_user(id, user_id)

Remove a user from a project


When you remove a user from a project this also removes all of their read and write access to the project’s streams.

  • {str} -- The ID of a project (id) –
  • {str} -- The ID of a user (user_id) –

dict – A confirmation payload

upgrade_user(id, user_id)

Upgrade a user to have Write access to the project and it’s streams

  • {str} -- The ID of a project (id) –
  • {str} -- The ID of a user (user_id) –

dict – A confirmation payload

downgrade_user(id, user_id)

Downgrade a user to have only Read access to the project and it’s streams

  • {str} -- The ID of a project (id) –
  • {str} -- The ID of a user (user_id) –

dict – A confirmation payload

Streams Methods

class speckle.resources.streams.Resource(session, basepath, me)

API Access class for Streams

list(query={'omit': 'objects'})

List all streams

Returns:list – A list of Streams, without objects attached

Create a stream from a data dictionary

Parameters:{dict} -- A dictionary describing a stream (data) –
Returns:Stream – The instance created on the Speckle Server
get(id, query=None)

Get a specific stream from the SpeckleServer

Parameters:{str} -- The StreamId of the stream to retrieve (id) –
Returns:Stream – The stream
update(id, data)

Update a specific stream

  • {str} -- The StreamId of the stream to update (id) –
  • {dict} -- A dict of values to update (data) –

dict – a confirmation payload with the updated keys


Delete a specific stream

Parameters:{str} -- The StreamId of the stream to delete (id) –
Returns:dict – A confirmation payload

Retrieve comments attached to a stream

Parameters:{str} -- The StreamId of the stream to retrieve comments from (id) –
Returns:list – A list of comments
comment_create(id, data)

Add a comment to a stream

  • {str} -- The StreamId of the stream to comment on (id) –
  • {dict} -- A comment dictionary object (data) –

CommentSchema – The comment created by the server

clone(id, name=None)

Clone a stream

Parameters:{str} -- The StreamId of the stream to clone (id) –
Keyword Arguments:
 {str} -- The name of the new cloned stream. eg (name) – stream-x-2019-06-09-backup (default: {None})
Returns:tuple – The clone and parent stream as dicts
diff(id, other_id)

Runs a diff on two streams

  • {str} -- StreamId of the main stream (id) –
  • {str} -- StreamId of the stream to compare (other_id) –

dict – A response payload with objects and layers as keys

list_objects(id, query=None)

Return the list of objects in a stream

Parameters:{str} -- StreamId of the stream to list objects from (id) –
Returns:list – A list of Speckle objects

Return the list of api clients connected to the stream

Parameters:{str} -- StreamId of the stream to list objects from (id) –
Returns:list – A list of API clients

Api Client Methods

class speckle.resources.api_clients.Resource(session, basepath, me)

API Access class for API Clients

The api_client resource mostly returns an API Client data class instance.


Here is an example of what an API Client object looks like in dict form and when converted to a data class:

>>> from speckle.resources.api_clients import ApiClient
>>> api_client_dict =  {
        'role': 'Hybrid',
        'documentName': 'Test',
        'documentType': 'DataServer',
        'documentLocation': '',
        'online': True,
>>>  api_client = ApiClient.parse_obj(api_client_dict)
>>> api_client.role
>>> api_client.documentGuid # Automatically created when document is instantiated if not specified

List all API clients

list – A list of API client data class instances


Calling the api_clients.list() method returns a list of ApiClient class objects that the user has read access to. .. code-block:: python

>>> client.api_clients.list()
[<ApiClient>, <ApiClient>, <ApiClient>]

Create an API clients from a data dictionary

data {dict} – A dictionary describing an API client
ApiClient – The instance created on the Speckle Server


>>> api_client_dict =  {
        'role': 'Hybrid',
        'documentName': 'Test',
        'documentType': 'DataServer',
        'documentLocation': '',
        'online': True,
>>> new_api_client = client.api_clients.create(data=api_client_dict)
>>> new_api_client.documentName

Get a specific API client from the SpeckleServer

id {str} – The ID of the API client to retrieve
ApiClient – The API client


>>> api_client = client.api_clients.get('54759eb3c090d83494e2d804')
>>> api_client.role
>>> api_client.dict()
    'private': False,
    'canRead': [],
    'canWrite': [],
    'owner': '7354308922443094682',
    'createdAt': '2019-06-09T20:23:22+00:00',
    'updatedAt': '2019-06-09T22:38:35+00:00',
    'role': 'Hybrid',
    'documentName': 'Test',
    'documentType': 'DataServer',
    'documentLocation': '',
    'online': True,
update(id, data)

Update a specific API client

id {str} – The ID of the API client to update data {dict} – A dict of values to update
dict – a confirmation payload with the updated keys


>>> client.api_clients.update(, data={'documentName': 'newTest', 'documentLocation': ''})
    "success": True,
    "message": "Client updated following fields: ['documentName', 'documentLocation']"

Delete a specific API client

id {str} – The ID of the API client to delete
dict – A confirmation payload


>>> client.api_clients.delete(
    "success": True,
    "message": 'Client was deleted! Bye bye data.'"

Comments methods

class speckle.resources.comments.Resource(session, basepath, me)

API Access class for Comments


List all comments

Returns:list – A list of comment data class instances

Get a specific comment from the SpeckleServer

Parameters:{str} -- The ID of the comment to retrieve (id) –
Returns:Comment – The comment
update(id, data)

Update a specific comment

  • {str} -- The ID of the comment to update (id) –
  • {dict} -- A dict of values to update (data) –

dict – a confirmation payload with the updated keys


Delete a specific comment

Parameters:{str} -- The ID of the comment to delete (id) –
Returns:dict – A confirmation payload

Retrieve comments attached to a comment

Parameters:{str} -- The ID of the comment to retrieve comments from (id) –
Returns:list – A list of comments
comment_create(id, data)

Add a comment to a comment

  • {str} -- The ID of the comment to comment on (id) –
  • {dict} -- A comment dictionary object (data) –

Comment – The comment created by the server


Get the list of all comments where the logged in user is assigned

Returns:list – A list of comments the user is assigned to

Objects Methods

class speckle.resources.objects.Resource(session, basepath, me)

API Access class for Speckle Objects


List all Speckle objects

Returns:list – A list of Speckle object data class instances

Create a Speckle object from a data dictionary

Parameters:{dict} -- A dictionary describing a Speckle object (data) –
Returns:SpeckleObject – The instance created on the Speckle Server
get(id, query=None)

Get a specific Speckle object from the SpeckleServer

Parameters:{str} -- The ID of the Speckle object to retrieve (id) –
Returns:SpeckleObject – The Speckle object
update(id, data)

Update a specific Speckle object

  • {str} -- The ID of the Speckle object to update (id) –
  • {dict} -- A dict of values to update (data) –

dict – a confirmation payload with the updated keys


Delete a specific Speckle object

Parameters:{str} -- The ID of the Speckle object to delete (id) –
Returns:dict – A confirmation payload

Retrieve comments attached to a Speckle object

Parameters:{str} -- The ID of the Speckle object to retrieve comments from (id) –
Returns:list – A list of comments
comment_create(id, data)

Add a comment to a Speckle object

  • {str} -- The ID of the Speckle object to comment on (id) –
  • {dict} -- A comment dictionary object (data) –

CommentSchema – The comment created by the server

get_bulk(object_ids, query=None)

Retrieve and optionally update a list of Speckle objects

  • {list} -- A list of object IDs (object_ids) –
  • {dict} -- A dictionary to specifiy which fields to retrieve, filters, limits, etc (query) –

list – A list of SpeckleObjects